Cygwin For Macbook; Winamp For Mac Download; Quit Cygwin, either by typing 'exit' or clicking on the X in the top right of the screen Now run the windows command line ('DOS Screen') by using the Windows start menu, run, and typing in ' cmd '. A black window should appear (often called a 'DOS Screen'). In dialog 'Cygwin Setup - Choose Installation Directory' you should select root directory in wich CygWin has been installed & press Next, and again, and again & again. Your will see dialog 'Cygwin Setup - Select Package', in the 'View' combobox you should select 'Full', and in the 'Search' edit you should enter 'gcc'. For Mac OS X 10.7 and higher. We provide a package for installing Cygwin on the Download page. IMOD 4.9 should also run reliably on more current versions of Cygwin, even on 64-bit Windows. When using IMOD without Cygwin, everything in IMOD will work except a few specialized C-shell scripts, but subtomogram averaging with PEET will not work. Install and Set Up kubectl. The Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl, allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters.You can use kubectl to deploy applications, inspect and manage cluster resources, and view logs.
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Please download one of the latest releases in order toget an API-stable version of cairo. You'll need both the cairo andpixman packages.
See In-Progress Development (below) for details ongetting and building the latest pre-release source code if that's whatyou're looking for.
Binary Packages
GNU/Linux distributions
Many distributions including Debian,Fedora, and others regularly includerecent versions of cairo. As more and more applications depend oncairo, you might find that the library is already installed. To getthe header files installed as well may require asking for a -dev or-devel package as follows:
For Debian and Debian derivatives including Ubuntu:
For Fedora:
For openSUSE:
Precompiled binaries for Windows platforms can be obtained in avariety of ways.
From Dominic Lachowicz:
Since GTK+ 2.8 and newer depends on Cairo, you can have Cairoinstalled on Win32 as a side-effect of installing GTK+. For example,see The Glade/GTK+ for WindowsToolkit.
From Daniel Keep (edited by Kalle Vahlman):
Go to official GTK+ for Windows page.
You probably want at least the zlib, cairo, and libpng run-time archives(you can search on those strings to find them in thepage). That should be it. Just pop libcairo-2.dll, libpng13.dll andzlib1.dll into your working directory or system PATH, and away you go!
That gives you the base cairo functions, the PNG functions, and theWin32 functions.
Mac OS X
Using MacPorts, the port is called'cairo', so you can just type:
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And to upgrade to newer versions once installed:
If you use fink instead, the command toinstall cairo is:
In general, fink is more conservative about upgrading packages thanMacPorts, so the MacPorts version will be closer to the bleeding edge,while the fink version may well be more stable.
If you want to stay on the absolute cutting-edge of what's happeningwith cairo, and you don't mind playing with software that is unstableand full of rough edges, then we have several things you might enjoy:
We may from time to time create a snapshot of thecurrent state of cairo. These snapshots do not guarantee API stabilityas the code is still in an experimental state. Again, you'll want bothcairo and pixman packages from that directory.
Browsing the latest code
The cairo library itself is maintained with thegit version control system. You may browse thesource online using the cgitinterface.
Downloading the source with git
You may also use git to clone a local copy of the cairo library sourcecode. The following git commands are provided for your cut-and-pasteconvenience.
followed by periodic updates in each resulting directory:
Once you have a clone this way, you can browse it locally withgraphical tools such as gitk or gitview. You may also commit changeslocally with 'git commit -a'. These local commits will beautomatically merged with upstream changes when you next 'git pull',and you can also generate patches from them for submitting to thecairo mailing list with 'git format-patch origin'. To compile theclone, you need to run ./ initially and then follow theinstructions in the file named INSTALL.
You may need some distribution-specific development packages to compilecairo. If your are using Debian or Ubuntu, you may findadditional details for Debian-derived systemshelpful.
Git under Linux/UNIX
If you can't find git packages for your distribution, (thoughcheck for a git-core package as well), you can get tar files from
Git on Windows
You can use Git on Windows either with msysgit or git inside Cygwin. Msysgit is the recommended way to go as the installation is much simpler and it provides a GUI. In all cases, make sure the drive you download the repository on is formatted NTFS, as Git will generate errors on FAT32.
See the msysgit project for thelatest information about git for Windows. You'll find a .exe installerfor git there, as well as pointers to the cygwin port of git as well. This is all you need to do.
Download and run the Cygwin Setup.exe from Cygwin's website. Walkthrough the initial dialog boxes until you reach the 'Select Packages'page. Click the 'View' button to display an alphabetical list ofpackages and select the 'git' package.
If you want to build using gcc, you will also need to select thefollowing packages:
- 'automake' ( anything >=1.7 )
- 'gcc-core'
- 'git' ( no need to click on this again if you did so above )
- 'gtkdoc'
- 'libtool'
- 'pkg-config'
Whether you build with gcc or not:
Click 'Next' and Cygwin setup will download all you need. Afterdownloading, go to the directory where Cygwin is installed, and run'cygwin.bat'. This will open a command prompt.Mount anexisting directory on your hard drive, cd to that directory, and thenfollow the 'Downloading with git' instructions above.
If you want to build using Visual Studio and still want the latestsource, you will need cygwin, but you will only need to select the'git' package. See the VisualStudio page for more details.
- Download and install zlib. Build zlib from its /projects folder, and use LIB RELEASE configuration.
- Download and install libpng. Build libpng from its /projects folder and use LIB RELEASE configuration.
- Install the MozillaBuild environment from here: MozillaBuild
- If you chose the default install path, you'll find in c:mozilla-build several batch files. Edit the one corresponding to your version of VC++ (or a copy of it), and modify the INCLUDE and LIB paths. You'll need to add the zlib and libpng INCLUDE and LIBpaths. Also include <your repository>cairosrc, <your repository>cairoboilerplate, and <your repository>pixmanpixman to the INCLUDE paths. Here's an example (your paths will vary obviously):
- Launch the batch file you just modified. It'll open a mingw window. Ignore the error messages that might appear at the top of the window.We'll now build everything in debug configuration. For release, replace CFG=debug by CFG=release
- Browse to pixman's folder (pixmanpixman), and run make -f Makefile.win32 CFG=debug
- Browse to Cairo's src folder (cairosrc), and run make -f Makefile.win32 static CFG=debug.You now have your library in cairosrcdebug (or release).You can build the remaining ancillary cairo parts with the following steps, or go enjoy your library now.
- Browse to Cairo's boilerplate folder (cairoboilerplate), and run make -f Makefile.win32 CFG=debug
- Browse to Cairo's test pdiff folder (cairotestpdiff), and run make -f Makefile.win32
- Browse to Cairo's test folder (cairotest), and run make -f Makefile.win32 CFG=debug
- Browse to Cairo's benchmark folder (cairoperf), and run make -f Makefile.win32 CFG=debug
Building in Visual Studio
You can create a Visual Studio solution and projects for each of these: pixman, cairo/src, cairo/boilerplate, cairo/test, cairo/perf. Check each project's properties, make them all makefile projects, and set the build command (NMake) as follows. This example applies to cairo/src in release configuration, residing in C:WorkCairosrc, with the Mozilla Build Tools installed in C:mozilla-build:
Modify the paths and the configuration as needed for the other projects.
On Alpine Linux (3.6+), you can install Yarn with apk.
Currently, there are no Alpine packages available for RC or nightly builds of Yarn. Please use the tarball:
Installation Script
One of the easiest ways to install Yarn on macOS and generic Unix environmentsis via our shell script. You can install Yarn by running the following code inyour terminal:
The installation process includes verifying a GPG signature.View the source on GitHub
You can also specify a version by running the following code in your terminal:
See the releases for possible versions.
Manual Install via tarball
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You can install Yarn by downloading a tarball andextracting it anywhere.
Before extracting Yarn, it is recommended that you verify the tarball using GPG:
Path Setup
If Yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.
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Note: your profile may be in your .profile
, .bash_profile
, .bashrc
, .zshrc
, etc.
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- Add this to your profile:
export PATH='$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin'
(the path may vary depending on where you extracted Yarn to) - In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect
To have access to Yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH
environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH='$PATH:`yarn global bin`'
to your profile, or if you use Fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths